We extend a warm and heartfelt greeting to you from New Horizons, where faith comes alive, hope abounds, and love finds its truest meaning.

New Horizons is not just a place; it is a haven—a sanctuary of peace and solace in a fast-paced world, where you can find respite from the challenges of life and draw closer to the divine. We are a small, local church with a big heart, dedicated to serving God and our fellow man with love and compassion.

Our mission is simple: to inspire and nurture spiritual growth, to create a welcoming space for worship and fellowship, and to spread the message of God’s boundless love to all who seek it.


At the core of our church lies the power of worship—a beautiful tapestry of praise, prayer, and preaching. Every Sunday, our congregation gathers in unity to celebrate the goodness of God and to seek guidance and wisdom. Together, we find strength in one another and draw closer to God, as we explore the Word of God and its timeless wisdom.

Beyond Sundays, we foster a vibrant community that thrives on fellowship. Our church is a place where friendships are formed, and people from all walks of life come together as one family.


True faith is not confined to the walls of a building; it extends into the world around us. Our church is deeply committed to making a positive impact on our local community and beyond. Through outreach programs, charity initiatives, and acts of kindness, we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, offering hope and practical assistance to those in need.


As a church family, we cherish our children and youth, recognizing that they are the future bearers of faith. Our dedicated teachers work diligently to instill timeless values and principles in the hearts of our young ones, empowering them to grow into compassionate and Godly individuals.


Whether you are taking your first steps on the path of faith or have been on this journey for years, we invite you to join us at New Horizons. Together, let us embrace the power of faith, hope, and love as we grow spiritually and enrich our lives with purpose and meaning.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our team.